Saturday, September 18, 2010

Obama Hammers GOP For Stalling Campaign Finance Bill

This should be a concept that is fairly cut 'n dry and one that everyone should agree. Corporations and special interest should not have unfettered influence on our elections. They do not represent the hearts and minds of the American people, only their own bottom line. The concept is that if you are going to make an ad in support of one candidate over another then you should have to identify yourself. This does not seem to be something that people should disagree on, if you do then you are un-American.

Elections are one of the greatest things about this country, every two years we get to change the course of the country if we don't like it. This is a decision of the people, by the people, and for the people and to think that their are some that support corporations and special interest having a say in that process is sad. The process needs to be as transparent as possible and anyone standing in the way of that is only interested in saving their own skin and not interested in doing what is best for this country. This is the biggest problem facing our country right now. Politics has become so divided and so divisive that it all about scoring points and if the other guy fails then you win. No one cares about doing what is right for the country and not just themselves.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, August 30, 2010

Obama's a Muslim?

If you believe that Obama is a 'secret muslim' then you are stupid. Your not smart enough to realize that a) you are being lied too and b) you are being used. The true elite in this country are using you to keep us fighting amongst ourselves. And liberal are dumb for putting up with this BS. It's all designed to distract us and get more of their people elected so they can try to pass or weaken laws that will be good for their bottom line. They are trying to line their pockets with more of our money. Wake up and see what is going on around you.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

What a joke

Is it just me or is everyone in this country asleep at the wheel. Right, left it doesn't matter people just don't seem to care what is happening to them. When we continually elect politicians that are crooks, thieves and liars. We sit back and allow the corporations to take over and do nothing to stop it. The people who are justifiably mad about this stuff are just being used by the powers that be to stir up more anger and resentment and to divide this nation. It's Sun Tzu, divide and conquer. Except it's the American people that are being conquered. Not by socialist or communist or conservatives or liberals but by banks and corporations. They get people to shout at one another and pit us against ourselves and then laugh there way to the bank with all of our money. When we try to do the things that need to be done in order to reign in the fat cats (yeah, I said it) ,and I don't mean politicians I mean the bastards on Wall St. and where ever else it is they actually run this country from, they send in the lawyers and lobbyist. So, the question now is: Is it worth it? Is it worth waking up and seeing what is going on around you and then trying to do something about it?

Monday, August 23, 2010

Should you or shouldn't you

Well, that is not for me to say. What you do isn't up to me and you shouldn't really care what i think. That said, if I think whatever it is your doing is wrong I can say so. And you have the right to tell me tell me to mind my own business and you'd be right to do so. That's the beauty of living in America, we have the freedom to say and do what we want, where we want and how we want. Well, for the most part where we want. Obviously, you can't do anything to harm other people, including yelling 'fire' in a crowed theater. Trying not to sound like a meaningless platitude, but that is what makes this one of the greatest counties on the planet.

Now, this brings me to my point. The people building the Park 51 project in lower Manhattan, otherwise known as the "Ground Zero Mosque" have all these same rights. Last time I checked lower Manhattan was still in America and the Constitution provides for the Federal government to make no laws to abridge the freedom of religion. So they have as much right to build a community center that will also serve as an over flow place of worship for the other two mosques that are only blocks away as well. Speaking of blocks, let's set the record straight this center will be located in an old Burlington Coat Factory that is six city blocks from the site of the north tower of the World Trade Center. True it is two blocks from the several block area that make makes up World Trade Center complex. Have you ever been to NYC, six blocks is a long way. If the towers were still standing you would barely be able to see them from so blocks away because of all the other buildings around.

Honestly, I don't understand what people are all up in arms about. Like I said there are already two mosques that are in the of which has been there for almost forty years. People say it's too soon and it's not being sensitive to those that lost loved ones on that tragic day. Okay, I'll give you that one. It maybe for some people, I couldn't imagine what that must have been like for anyone. The closest I got is living in New Orleans for the year leading up to and evacuating for Katrina. But I digress, always wanted to say that. Moving on. What all of the people ginning up all of this false outrage, that is leading to real outrage, are neglecting is that there is a mosque in the Pentagon. And it is only 60 ft from the spot that the plane hit the pentagon and no one there seems to have a major issue with it.

Then there is the story of a different imam who says that the people who perpetrated this atrocity would see this center as a shrine to what they did. Maybe so. He also makes a point that this place will become a focal point for those who think all Islam is evil. Definitely. But only because people have made a big deal about it. If no one had made hay about it, would those people have really known about it. Who knows.

Know the question is: should they or shouldn't they?

I quote the Clash because I think it fits so well "should I stay or should i go now? If I stay there will be trouble and If i go there will be double."

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Today the GOP decided to invoke a little know rule in the Senate that states that committees can only meet while the chamber is in session without unanimous consent of all members. Without unanimous consent committees are only allowed to meet for two hours after the start of business. Well, the GOP in retaliation for getting smacked around on health care reform had decided to withhold said consent....this the grade school equivalent of "I'm not getting my way, so I'm going to take my ball and go home!" Since when does the Senate or the government as a whole for that matter, operate like kids on a playground. These people are elected and sent to Washington BY the People, to do what is best FOR the People..but it seems lately that since the Republican party can't come to grips with the fact that they are no longer the majority. So, they have reverted to grade school tactics.

It's a sad commentary of the state of American politics. I had high hopes that we as a country could come together and get somethings done that have needed to the be done for a long time. I had really hoped that we could move past our problems as individuals and act for the good of the group. Most importantly I had really hoped that we would do things to bring about a more favorable standing in the eyes of the world. But alas I was wrong. The political parties in this country keep continuing to bicker back and forth like school children and the we continue to be a laughing stock to the international community. Besides being embarrassing, this situation holds other draw backs and potential hazards. Namely, it makes us look weak! How are we supposed to be the "leader of the free world" if we can't come together and get anything done. The party of "no" needs to suck it up and realize that they LOST! Get over it, we have way too many problems in this country to have to worry about your ego.

Friday, February 19, 2010

"War on Terror"

So, I have a that no one has seemed to have answered yet. What does "victory" in the "War on Terror" look like? Anyone?? I'll tell you why no one can answer it...because there is no answer. The "War on Terror" is an abstract idea, there is no way that you can get rid of terrorism in the world by firing bullets or dropping bombs. Why? Because you are fighting an idea and you can't kill an idea. Al Qeada is a cult, it is a system of ideas used to pervert Islam. In order to have some sort of "victory" you have to get rid of the catalyst that encourages perfectly normal twenty-somethings to want to blow themselves up. Which is not to try and kill them, that will only strengthen their resolve. They picked a fight that they wanted, because when we drop bombs on them then they can recruit more members...they are like a drum..the harder you hit them the louder they will borrow from Michael Franti.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


It constantly amazes me just how deluded conservatives can be...I mean I just looked at some of the comments left on the "George Bush: Miss me yet" Facebook fan page and was just dumbfounded. These people are just crazy, they really believe that Obama is to blame for everything that has happened and W had nothing to do with the state of the nation today. One person went as far to say that if it hadn't been for America then the rest of the world would be speaking German or Japanese. The reality of the situation is that these so called fiscal conservatives idolize people who overwhelmingly increase the national debt. They rail against the current administration for not heeding warnings about possible terrorist attacks but forget that W was given a report months before 9/11 entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike in US" but did nothing. The fact of the matter is the Republicans are the epitome of hypocrites and are unembarrassed by this some cases are quite proud of that fact. Unbelievable!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

lib·er·al (lbr-l, lbrl)
a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
c. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.
d. Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.
a. Tending to give freely; generous: a liberal benefactor.
b. Generous in amount; ample: a liberal serving of potatoes.
3. Not strict or literal; loose or approximate: a liberal translation.
4. Of, relating to, or based on the traditional arts and sciences of a college or university curriculum: a liberal education.
a. Archaic Permissible or appropriate for a person of free birth; befitting a lady or gentleman.
b. Obsolete Morally unrestrained; licentious.
1. A person with liberal ideas or opinions.
2. Liberal A member of a Liberal political party.
[Middle English, generous, from Old French, from Latin lberlis, from lber, free; see leudh- in Indo-European roots.]

Now that I got the definition out of the way...I think it says it all.