Thursday, February 18, 2010


It constantly amazes me just how deluded conservatives can be...I mean I just looked at some of the comments left on the "George Bush: Miss me yet" Facebook fan page and was just dumbfounded. These people are just crazy, they really believe that Obama is to blame for everything that has happened and W had nothing to do with the state of the nation today. One person went as far to say that if it hadn't been for America then the rest of the world would be speaking German or Japanese. The reality of the situation is that these so called fiscal conservatives idolize people who overwhelmingly increase the national debt. They rail against the current administration for not heeding warnings about possible terrorist attacks but forget that W was given a report months before 9/11 entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike in US" but did nothing. The fact of the matter is the Republicans are the epitome of hypocrites and are unembarrassed by this some cases are quite proud of that fact. Unbelievable!

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