Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Today the GOP decided to invoke a little know rule in the Senate that states that committees can only meet while the chamber is in session without unanimous consent of all members. Without unanimous consent committees are only allowed to meet for two hours after the start of business. Well, the GOP in retaliation for getting smacked around on health care reform had decided to withhold said consent....this the grade school equivalent of "I'm not getting my way, so I'm going to take my ball and go home!" Since when does the Senate or the government as a whole for that matter, operate like kids on a playground. These people are elected and sent to Washington BY the People, to do what is best FOR the People..but it seems lately that since the Republican party can't come to grips with the fact that they are no longer the majority. So, they have reverted to grade school tactics.

It's a sad commentary of the state of American politics. I had high hopes that we as a country could come together and get somethings done that have needed to the be done for a long time. I had really hoped that we could move past our problems as individuals and act for the good of the group. Most importantly I had really hoped that we would do things to bring about a more favorable standing in the eyes of the world. But alas I was wrong. The political parties in this country keep continuing to bicker back and forth like school children and the we continue to be a laughing stock to the international community. Besides being embarrassing, this situation holds other draw backs and potential hazards. Namely, it makes us look weak! How are we supposed to be the "leader of the free world" if we can't come together and get anything done. The party of "no" needs to suck it up and realize that they LOST! Get over it, we have way too many problems in this country to have to worry about your ego.

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