Saturday, September 18, 2010

Obama Hammers GOP For Stalling Campaign Finance Bill

This should be a concept that is fairly cut 'n dry and one that everyone should agree. Corporations and special interest should not have unfettered influence on our elections. They do not represent the hearts and minds of the American people, only their own bottom line. The concept is that if you are going to make an ad in support of one candidate over another then you should have to identify yourself. This does not seem to be something that people should disagree on, if you do then you are un-American.

Elections are one of the greatest things about this country, every two years we get to change the course of the country if we don't like it. This is a decision of the people, by the people, and for the people and to think that their are some that support corporations and special interest having a say in that process is sad. The process needs to be as transparent as possible and anyone standing in the way of that is only interested in saving their own skin and not interested in doing what is best for this country. This is the biggest problem facing our country right now. Politics has become so divided and so divisive that it all about scoring points and if the other guy fails then you win. No one cares about doing what is right for the country and not just themselves.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost